Oran Mutual Telephone Company
5038 Main Street
Oran, Iowa 50664
(319) 638-6006
Oran Mutual is a modern independently owned telephone company.
We have served the Oran area since 1911. We presently have 270 access lines in the Oran Area.
The company is affiliated with Iowa Network Services which offers internet access, voice messaging, paging and many other features.

This is general manager Dan Lundt. Dan has been with OMTC since graduating from high school in 1975.
He is switch operator, installer, lineman, and consultant.

Here’s Barb Gruetzmacher, secretary-treasurer.
Barb started on New Year’s Day 2009 – a paid Holiday!
Joyce Trotter, right, gave Barb
a hand once in a while.
Barb started on New Year’s Day 2009 – a paid Holiday!
Joyce Trotter, right, gave Barb
a hand once in a while.

Standing Left to Right — Chuck Kerns, Gene Heineman, John Reith (president)
Sitting Left to Right — Rick Trotter (vice-president), Duane Kerns, Dale Neil, Donna Sadler
Sitting Left to Right — Rick Trotter (vice-president), Duane Kerns, Dale Neil, Donna Sadler
Leo Reith at his retirement celebration

Edwin Westendorf at his retirement celebration.
Here’s Oran’s first switchboard.

Here’s Steve, the UPS man, first on the scene at the open house!